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9 results found for Cleaning and Maintenance
Greena Kim poses with Chris Rhodes, accepting the $10,000 grand prize. CAES News
2021 FABricate
Every pet owner wants their pet to feel safe and secure, especially on daunting trips to the veterinarian’s office. One major hurdle is the frigid stainless steel tables that offer an unappealing surface for animals that are used to the comfort of home.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito Season
Subtropical Storm Alberto has departed, and the rains will eventually subside. What happens next is predictable: mosquitoes.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say removing your shoes before going indoors can reduce the amount of pollen you track into your home. Other ways to reduce the amount of pollen indoors include wiping your pets' paws before allowing them to come inside and cleaning floors and surfaces often. CAES News
Indoor Pollen
Are your sinuses clogged? Do you feel like you are walking in a sea of yellow dust? Have you washed your car three times this week? Welcome to pollen season in Georgia.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Fight Mold
Hurricane Irma had slowed down by the time she reached Georgia, reducing the amount of expected structural damage to homes, but flood waters may have left behind a sneaky and dangerous after-effect: mold.
Older windows can make beautiful wall hangings and add historic charm to any home. However, antique architectural details and furniture can also add dangerous lead to the home if not treated properly. CAES News
Toxic Treasures
Vintage furniture and salvaged architectural details can add character to any décor. However, thrift-store treasures might be adding more than whimsy to Georgia homes – they could be carrying unsafe levels of lead. UGA Extension shares tips to keep households safe when working with lead paint on older furniture.
The 2014 UGA Radon Education Program Poster Contest first place entry. CAES News
Homebuyers Beware
You found a house that fits most, or maybe even all, of your requirements. Now it’s time to hire a home inspector to ensure the house is structurally sound and safe. Although this is not a required step in the homebuying process in Georgia, it is one that is highly recommended.
Today's washing machines are a far cry from the one Grandma used. With all the bells, whistles and options, buying a new washing machine, or dryer, can feel like new car shopping. CAES News
Washing Machines
Thanks to technology and manufacturers’ attempts to please the ever-demanding consumer, washing machines have become more “intelligent” and able to detect soil levels and water needs. Before buying a new one, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension home experts suggest asking yourself a few very important questions.
Energy Saving Tips
No matter what kind of heating and cooling system you have, you can save money and increase your comfort. With extreme temperatures come high energy bills, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to decrease energy consumption. Start by following these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Mold and Mildew
Mildew and musty odors sometimes develop during periods of damp weather. Controlling them can be as easy as buying a dehumidifier or placing a moisture barrier under the home.