Dieback on Red Maples

In recent years, Bot canker has caused an estimated loss of $500,000 to deciduous hardwood tree nurseries, particularly on red maples. The canker disease kills the branches resulting in extensive tree culling. UGA plant pathologists conducted a field survey a tree nurseries in Georgia in 2019 to determine the extent of the canker disease and to collect samples to identify the pathogen causing the disease. Growers were also asked to provide the number of trees that were culled due to the disease to estimate their crop losses. Over 500 samples were collected and processed. UGA Extension agents with tree nurseries also toured nurseries with Extension specialists in horticulture and plant pathology so they could see the disease in the field as well. Information on Bot canker disease was presented at 15 county and industry meetings and in-service trainings to educate Extension personnel.

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