Animal Science in Action
Animal Science in Action is a two-day program designed for rising high school juniors and seniors interested in science and careers in animal science. Participants engage in a series of laboratory experiments and visit each of the college's main teaching farms for hands-on activities with beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, and sheep. Current CAES animal and dairy science students help lead the program. Animal Science in Action is presented by the Department of Animal and Dairy Science.
Event Date: June 3-4, 2024
Eligibility Requirements:
- Provide a PSAT or SAT score
- Be a rising high school junior or senior
Program Cost:
- $100/student
- Make check payable to “Georgia 4-H Foundation”
Turn in Your Application Today!
Application deadline is May 10, 2024. Program will be limited to 40 students. Acceptance information and schedule will be provided via email by May 24, 2024.
In addition to completing the online application:
Print, sign, and return this form (PDF) along with payment and a copy of the front and back of your insurance card
Mail documents and payment to:
Dylan Davis
UGA Animal and Dairy Science Department
Animal Science in Action
425 River Road
Athens, GA 30602-2771
Join us for a summer introduction to the Animal and Dairy Science Department and Animal Science majors, including Pre-Vet opportunities at UGA
Dylan Davis

What Should I Study?
To learn more about CAES majors and how to apply to UGA, visit Undergraduate Programs.