Food Science
Available at: Athens
Food Science students study microbiology, chemistry and engineering - the disciplines necessary to understand the nature of foods and the underlying principles of food processing and preservation. This knowledge is used by food scientists to make food safer, healthier, more tempting and less likely to spoil.
View the required Food Science courses and available electives in the UGA Bulletin. You will determine the right courses to match your interests with assistance from your advisor.
To prepare for courses to earn a Food Science degree we recommend you:
- Explore food science opportunities in your high school
- Engage in traditional agricultural extracurricular activities, such as 4-H and FFA
- Volunteer and/or participate in local Food Science Extension Workshops
- Volunteer for food banks or similar organizations
Hands-On Learning
- Labs focusing on food products, food safety and food analysis
- Experience with industry-related technologies
- Food Science Senior Project
- Undergraduate research opportunities
- Intensive Culinary Experience (I.C.E) Summer Program
- Participate in student clubs and organizations
- Internship opportunities
- Study abroad opportunities
Learn more
Visit the department of Food Science and Technology (FST).
Read FST student testimonials.
Prospective Student Contact
Current Student Contact

Class of 2022 Career Outcomes for Food Science*

** Includes Self-Employed
*Source: Created utilizing data taken from the UGA Career Outcomes Survey. The charts above represent UGA Class of 2022 Graduates. Read more detailed Career Outcomes information for Food Science.
What jobs can I get with a Food Science degree?
Career Potential
- Beverage Technologist
- Brewmaster
- Food Chemist
- Food Microbiologist
- Food Technologist
- Ingredient Coordinator
- Product Development Scientist
- Process Engineer
- Quality Assurance Professional
- Research and Development Professional
- Sensory Scientist
How do I pay for college?
Each year the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) awards scholarships to students enrolled in our majors.
Financial Aid
To find out about deadlines and eligibility requirements, visit the University of Georgia Office of Student Financial Aid.